A Message from the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research

Rob A. Rutenbar and Chancellor Joan Gabel, University of Pittsburgh

Rob A. Rutenbar
Senior Vice Chancellor for Research

Joan Gabel
Chancellor, University of Pittsburgh

One of the best things about being in a top-tier, comprehensive research university like Pitt is the amazing breadth of scholarship happening. On one end of campus, artists are using their creativity to highlight environmental issues, and across the street, engineers are building new nanostructures, and up the hill, there’s a clinical team advancing the fight against cancer. Every time I think that two different kinds of research cannot possibly be connected or overlap, I’m proven wrong—and even I learn something. 

But our research programs are not just broad and diverse, there’s a common thread running through everything: a desire for impactful discoveries and change that matter, that improve both knowledge and practice. In this year’s annual report on research, you will see how seemingly distinct fields like genomics, anthropology, cyber law, space engineering and sustainability intertwine and enhance one another at Pitt, blending creativity and expertise to imagine exciting new possibilities. This year’s report has lots of examples of the many paths from discovery to action—public art to cultivate environmental justice; training police to help keep juveniles out of the justice system; and preventing domestic terrorism by supporting military veterans. 

As part of the 2024 Plan for Pitt, we are working with Chancellor Joan Gabel and Senior Vice Chancellor for the Health Sciences Anantha Shekhar to amplify the innovation ecosystem in Pittsburgh. We are working with academic and industry partners to help researchers bring their most creative ideas to national and international markets, where they can make the greatest impact on the greatest number of people. This burgeoning research ecosystem will be a positive force in the life of all of our communities—not limited to University researchers and entrepreneurs. 

I welcome you to browse our 2024 Annual Report for more examples of discovery, action and impact. You’ll see stories of accomplishment—impressive numbers, eye-opening innovations, distinguished legacies. Above all, you will meet a few of the remarkable people who make up our community of learning, teaching and building. I hope you enjoy reading their stories and exploring research at the University of Pittsburgh.

Anantha Shekhar, University of Pittsburgh

Anantha Shekhar

Senior Vice Chancellor for the Health Sciences

John and Gertrude Petersen Dean, School of Medicine


Once again in 2024, the University of Pittsburgh finds itself among the most generously funded institutions by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the world’s largest public funder of biomedical research. Driven by the University’s schools of the health sciences, Pitt has averaged a top seven ranking in NIH funding for a quarter century. Our goal is to radically improve health for the region and for the world. Given our robust research engine, our focus this decade is to increase pathways for translating our scientific breakthroughs into products and solutions for patients. Along the way, we’re transforming Pittsburgh into a globally recognized hub for life sciences innovation. Not only is there collaboration among our health sciences researchers, but our scientists partner with colleagues across the University to reach shared goals. Pitt is a launchpad for possibilities, a place where everything and everyone is within reach. We’re committed to bringing scientific possibilities to life.